Raised: USD0,00

Goal: USD750,00

Beca Plus* :: Plus Scholarship*

published 15 Oct 2014 by becas in category with 0 comments

  • Esta es una beca de $ 150.00 por estudiante.*
    • Cubre los costos de matrícula y (algunos) libros.**
    • Adicionalmente se le provee al estudiante de un dote básico para su sustento alimenticio a través del año (arroz, frijoles, pastas y aceite).
  • A cada becario se le asignará un mentor que se esté desempeñando profesionalmente en una carrera a fin a la que esté estudiando para que lo guíe a través de su carrera universitaria. Mantendrán reuniones de seguimiento mensualmente.
  • Nuestra meta es poder otorgar 5 Becas de Matrícula Plus en 2017!


*Todas nuestras becas son otorgadas anualmente.

**Costo de matrícula calculado según el costo de matrícula de la Universidad Nacional de Honduras.




  • This is a scholarship of $ 150.00 per student.
    • It covers tuition and (some) books.**
    • Additionally it is provides students with a basic dowry for his sustenance throughout the year (i.e. rice, beans, pasta and oil).
  • Each scholar will be assigned to a mentor who is currently playing a successful professional role in the career (or a related field) the student is pursuing. This mentor will guide the student through your college career. They shall have monthly follow-up meetings.
  • Our goal is to provide 5 Academic Plus Scholarships in 2017!


* All our scholarships are awarded on an annual basis.

** Tuition based on the cost to attend the National University of Honduras.




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USD0,00 raised by 0 people in 10 years

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15 Oct 2014

USD750,00 to go